Sunday 4 September 2016

Some herbs in yoruba language

If you have been wondering how to Know the Yoruba Names of some Herbs this post is here to help you.
Hibiscus plant – Zobo 
Tamarin - Tsamia Tumeric –  ata Ile pupa
Cayenne Pepper – Bawa 
Chilli – Shombo
Black pepper – iyere
Oziza in igbo Thorny pigweed/prickly amaranth – tete eleegun alternanthera nodiflora – Dagunro
Butryospermum - paradoxum – Shea tree – Ori 
Allium sativum -Garlic – Ayu 
Capsicum frutescens – Tabasco pepper – Ata-wewe 
Lactuca capensis – Lettuce – Yanrin
Bryophyllum pinnatum – Air Plant,Life Plant, Miracle Leaf – Abamoda 

Zingiber officinale – Ginger – Jinja, Atale
Dioscorea dumetorum – Sweet Yam- Esuru 
Enantia chloranta – Awopa 
Khaya grandifoliola, K. senegalensis, K. ivorensis – Oganwo 
Sphenocentrum jollyanum – Akerejupon 
Olax subscorpioidea – Ifan, Ifon 
Tetrapleura tetraptera – Aidan, Aridan 
Lecaniodiscus cupanioides – Akika 
Lippia multiflora – Efirin-gogoro, Efirin-oko 
Jatropha curcas – Botuje funfun, Lapalapa 
Jatropha gossypifolia – cotton-leaf physicnut- Botuje pupa 
Jatropha multifida – coral plant, physic nut – Ogege 
Cymbopogon citratus – lemon grass- Kooko-oba 
Pterocarpus erinaceus – Apepo, Agbelosun 
Pterocarpus osun – Osun 
Pterocarpus santalinioides – Gbengbe
Catharanthus roseus -Madagascar rosy periwinkle – Apabida pupa
Carica papaya – Papaya – Ibepe 
Dioclea scandens – Dasa Dioclea reflexa – Agbarin, Epe, Arin

If you want to know others, just post a comment!

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