Saturday 10 December 2016

Yoruba Beliefs about Destiny and Afterlife (Kadara / Akudaaya)


Destiny (Kadara / Ayanmo)

The Yoruba (Nigeria) believe that the success or failure of a man in live depends on the choices he made in heaven before he was born. If a person suddenly becomes rich, they will say that he chose the right future for himself, therefore poor people must be patient because even if they have chosen the right life, it may not have arrived yet. We all need patience. The word ayanmo means 'choice', and kadara means 'divine share for a man'; ipin means 'predestined lot'.
The Yoruba believe that there is a god, Ori, who supervises people's choices in heaven. Literally, ori means 'head' or 'mind', because that is what one chooses before birth. If someone chooses a wise head, i.e. intelligence, wisdom, he will walk easily through life, but if someone chooses a fool's head, he will never succeed anywhere. Ori could be considered as a personal god, a sort of guardian angel who will accompany each of us for life, once chosen. Even the gods have their Ori which directs their personal lives. Both men and gods must consult their sacred divination palm-nuts daily in order to learn what their Ori wishes. In this way, Ori is both an individual and a collective concept, a personal spirit directing each individual's life, and also a god in heaven, who is feared even by Orunmila. 

Medicinal Uses of Cinnamon (known as Oloorun in Yoruba) Continued

CURE FOR BLADDER INFECTION (ARUN APO ITO) :research have prove that two tables spoon of Cinnamon powder. And one tea soon of wild honey put in glass cup of warm water and drink at once has ability to kill and destroy any germs in th the bladder.
CURE FOR SICKLE CELL  ANAEMIA ( DAKU DAJI TABI EJE OMO TI KO DARA TO) : one full table spoon of Cinnamon extract powder, squeeze out the juice of one sweet orange, squeeze the juice of one lime orange, add yolks of four local fowl eggs, mix it together with wild honey. It should be taken two times per day at the rate of one table spoon. Morning and Night. And these should be repeated   4days per week.

Medicinal Uses of Cinnamon (Known as Oloorun) in Yoruba

Cinnamon(Cinnamomum Zeylanicium or Cinnamomum saigonicum)  which we know as Oloorun here in yoruba land, this same cinnamon is known as Cannele in France, it is also known as Canela in Portugal and Spain. The people of India know it as Darchin also called same Darchin in Iran. The German people call it Zimt,all these names are referring to cinnamon as know in various culture. This plant has been use in many cultures to cure various diseases. I  will go straight away into various way in which this plant can be use to cure various diseases.
Various Uses Of Cinnamon to cure Diseases
CURE FOR HEART DISEASE (AISAN OKAN) : any one suffering from heart problems should get white onion, white ginger, squeeze the juice of the two out. Grind 21 seed of alligator pepper. you will now oyin igan original (wild honey) and cinnamon cassia powder. You will mix all this thing together and allow it to ferment for a day. A person who have heart disease will be taking  it 3 Table spoon of with warm water, three times per day.