Saturday 10 December 2016

Medicinal Uses of Cinnamon (Known as Oloorun) in Yoruba

Cinnamon(Cinnamomum Zeylanicium or Cinnamomum saigonicum)  which we know as Oloorun here in yoruba land, this same cinnamon is known as Cannele in France, it is also known as Canela in Portugal and Spain. The people of India know it as Darchin also called same Darchin in Iran. The German people call it Zimt,all these names are referring to cinnamon as know in various culture. This plant has been use in many cultures to cure various diseases. I  will go straight away into various way in which this plant can be use to cure various diseases.
Various Uses Of Cinnamon to cure Diseases
CURE FOR HEART DISEASE (AISAN OKAN) : any one suffering from heart problems should get white onion, white ginger, squeeze the juice of the two out. Grind 21 seed of alligator pepper. you will now oyin igan original (wild honey) and cinnamon cassia powder. You will mix all this thing together and allow it to ferment for a day. A person who have heart disease will be taking  it 3 Table spoon of with warm water, three times per day.

CURE FOR HEARING LOSS (AILE GBORAN DARA DARA) any one suffering from hearing loss. mix cinnamon extract powder of the same quantity with an honey. A person with hearing loss will take two tea spoon 3 times per day. That will be morning, afternoon and evening.
BODY ODOUR (ARA RIRUN) If you are suffering from body odour. get a Cinnamon cassia powder, half tin of non cholesterol milk, honey of the same quantity. You will now mix the it together. When you want to bath you will use lime orange liquid (omi osan were) into a warm water. Add quantity to the water. Bath with it this way for 30 day.yours body odour will be removed.
IF YOU WANT TO QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES (KIKO SIGA MIMU SILE) :   Ekuku obi gbigbe (dry kola nut back powder), Cinnamon cassia powder, garlic powder. Mix the powders together with wild honey. a person who is addicted to cigarette should be taken this  one teaspoon 3 times per day. That is morning, nights, and afternoon.. For a month.
IF YOU WANT TO A PERSON TO QUIT ALCHOHOL(FIFI OTI MIMU SILE) : One quarter of a tin of a garlic powder, half tin of Cinnamon cassia  powder, one quarter of tin of unripe orange back powder. Mix it y  with honey.  The person will be taking  it one tea spoon, three times a day for a month.
PILE (JEDI JEDI) :if you are suffering from pile, take a very full 2table spoon of Cinnamon cassia powder, two full table spoon of dried Zulu garlic, I Table spoon of grinded  Bazil leave), small pepper, mix together with honey, take one tea spoon of it in morning and evening.
CURE FOR HAIR LOSS (AISAN AJERUN) :Any one suffering from hair loss or baldness should at everyday when he or she wants to bath. one full table spoon of wild honey, one table spoon of Cinnamon powder warm olive oil, make all these things to paste apply it on head, allow it to stay for.      minimum of five minutes and maximum of fifteen minutes before bath.
CURE FOR SWOLLEN LEG(TI ESE ENIYAN BA WU) :cinnamon cassia powder mix it with wild honey, take it one table spoon one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and evening, alternatively you can also cut a lemon orange into two, use it to be rubbing the Swollen leg. do it every day till you see improvement.
CURE for MOUTH ODOUR (OORUN ENU) get cinnamon cassia powder, mix it will lime orange. Add warm water. Use this herbal liquid to wash or rinse your mouth. Every day till you get results.

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